Block Internet Access

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Helps control internet programs and connections:

Block Internet Explorer Internet Access With Windows Firewall. One of the fastest and easiest ways to block Internet Explorer from accessing the internet is using the Windows 10 built-in firewall. Windows firewall settings let you define how specific applications on your computer can access the internet. Dec 16, 2004.

  • Restrict internet access.
  • Password protect internet access.
  • Schedule internet access for any or all programs.
  • Block internet websites.
  • Prevent users or groups from accessing internet.

Internet Lock is an access control and password protection solution for your internet connections and programs. With Internet Lock, you can fully control the internet connections and programs on your computer.

By using Internet Lock, you can restrict or password protect internet access, schedule internet access, protect internet programs on certain IP addresses or domains, limit users to access only the websites you specified, or keep them from accessing the unwanted websites.

Restrict internet connections and programs

You can use Internet Lock to restrict internet connections and programs. Programs blocked by Internet Lock will not be able to access the internet.

Internet Lock supports to protect all internet programs including, but not limited to:

  • Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and so on.
  • Email clients: Outlook, Outlook Express.
  • FTP programs.
  • Instant Messenger.
  • And all other internet programs.

Password protect internet programs

You can use Internet Lock to password protect internet programs and connections. Users must provide the correct password in order to use the protected programs to access internet.

When a password protected program tries to connect to internet, Internet Lock pops up a password window to ask user to enter password. If the user can not provide the password or the password is incorrect, Internet Lock blocks the connection and the program cannot access internet.

Schedule internet access

With Internet Lock, you can schedule internet access for internet programs and connections. Examples:

  • Only allow users to access internet every day 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM.
  • Block internet access every Saturday and Sunday.
  • Users must provide password to access internet after 10:00 PM.
  • And many more combinations to protect internet access daily, weekly or monthly.

* Use internet time for schedule options:
Internet Lock can be configured to use the internet time for schedule options, which will get the correct date time from internet time servers. Users can not bypass the protection provided by the schedule enabled rules by changing the computer time.

Internet Lock can password protect or block not only the internet programs, but also the TCP ports, internet websites, user accounts and groups, or any combination of them:

Control access to internet websites

You can use Internet Lock to block or password protect internet domain names and IP addresses, or to allow access to specific IP/Domains while blocking all others.

Control internet access for users and groups

Internet Lock can block or password protect internet access for the user accounts and groups you specified.

Protect any kind of internet programs

Bandwidth%2b mac download. You can protect special TCP ports to protect the related internet services and the programs that use the services. An example: [Password Protect] [all programs] [80, 443] will protect all websites and web browsers.

You fully control internet access

Internet Lock is not a simple 'click to block, click to allow' program, Fully Control means you can control each internet program, port, website, user and group. By using multiple rules, you can:

Block Internet Access Xp

  • Allow a specific web browser while blocking all others.
  • Allow user A and block user B while password protecting all other users.
  • Allow a program to access internet 20:00 - 22:00, block the same program after 22:00.
  • Allow Outlook to receive emails but prevent it from sending emails.
  • .

Download Free Trial

We offer a fully-functional evaluation copy for everyone to try Internet Lock for free. Only after it has proven its worth to you should you then come back to our site to purchase it.

  • Designed for Windows XP, Vista, 7
  • Designed for Windows 2003, 2008, 2008 R2
  • Ready for all 64-bit Windows

Purchase Internet Lock

Purchase Internet Lock to help control internet programs and connections.

Block Internet Access Temporarily

  • Only $29.95 for single license.
    Discounts are ready for multiple licenses ($24.95 to $14.95).
  • Free upgrades and updates.
  • 30-day Money-Back Guarantee.

Why would you want to know how to block websites? Maybe you want to keep your kids safe on the Internet? Maybe you want to block distracting websites so you don't procrastinate? It can also be used to block tracking sites that are embedded in ads.

Whatever your reason, you can simply block websites on Windows 10 using something called the hosts file.

What Is The Hosts File?

Have you heard the term DNS (Domain Name System)? It refers to a system of files distributed around the Internet that help resolve domain names like into its actual Internet Protocol (IP) address which happens to be That helps your computer know what server to talk to when you want to view this site.

Before DNS came into being in 1984, this was done through a local file on your computer called the hosts file. Back then computers weren't connected to many other computers. At most, we may have connected to a few dozen. It was easy to keep all that information in a plain old text file. The host file lives on today.

How Does The Hosts File Work?

The hosts file allows the computer to look up other computer names, like localhost, or domain names, like and the IP number for them is right beside the name in the file. It's a bit like how your friends' names are associated with their phone numbers in your phone. Templates for pages – design 6 0 30. You don't need to remember or punch in the number, just find the person's name.

Before we go further it's important to understand that some IP addresses are reserved for local use. That means that they can only be used to point to your computer and devices within your immediate network. That means anything before your communication connects to the Internet.

For example, the IP address always means the computer you're working on, also known as localhost. Try typing that in your web browser. It will likely bring up a blank page.

Also understand that and are not the exact same thing. For both of them to take us to the same website both must resolve to the same IP address.

Blocking Websites With The Hosts File

  1. Open Notepad as Administrator.
  1. Click on File > Open.
  1. Navigate to C:WindowsSystem32Driversetc
  1. Once there, change file type from Text Documents (*.txt) to All Files (*.*).
  1. Now you can see the hosts file. Open it.

Block Internet Access Windows 7

  1. Go to the last line of the page and add your own line. Let's say we're blocking Facebook.

Enter the localhost IP of Press the tab key and enter Press Enter to go to the next line. Create a second line like the one above, but use instead of just

Is The Website Blocked?

Open the command prompt and run ping then run ping You should see that the IP address it's trying to ping is Tammy hembrow age.

Now open your web browser and go to It might still load! Why? Facebook's real IP may still be sitting in the browser cache and the browser will use that IP first. Delete your browser's cache and try Facebook again. You should now see an error page.

I Don't Want to See an Error Page


You could try redirecting the site to another IP address, but these days that won't work well. Maliciously editing the hosts file used to be a common attack by hackers. Now, web browsers check carefully for certificates to prevent this. But, you can still try.

Another way to not see an error page is to install and set up a web server on your computer and have the hosts file point to that. Maybe have it display a page that says, 'Get back to work!' or lists some of your goals as motivation to stay off social media.

What Else Can I Do With The Hosts File?

You can use the same technique but paste in the URLs of various malware and tracking ad sites. There is a pre–made hosts file of malware and ad sites that you can copy and paste into your hosts file. As of writing this, it was last updated in March, 2020.

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